Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Favorite Songs of 2019: Top 25

Each song links to a video or stream of it when available. Dig in.

Deep cuts for you nerds: 

"It's human \\ it's our religion \\ No preacher to teach us to love"

Another funky and defiant declaration of righteous love from this sinfully underappreciated English synth pop whiz.


"You wake up when I go down \\ The radio reminds me I'm alive \\ We've been hearing it all night"

Singer/guitarist Lila Ramani effortlessly weaves through her collection of delicate rhymes, it's like she's just having a conversation. Such a smooth, cool ride it is.

23\\Nero Forte\\Slipknot

"You can do your worst to me \\ at the end of the day that's what you do best"

You never quite realize how much you miss some of that "nu-metal" magic until the legends remind you what the good stuff really sounds like. 

22\\Tenderness\\Jay Som

"I'm feeling like we've just begun \\ Nothing's ever good enough \\ Tenderness is all we've got"

Melina Duterte gave us an entire album reminding us why she's a force to be reckoned with, but it's especially hard to deny the nostalgic chill of this one. Don't forget to listen to her break it down on Song Exploder, kids.

21\\Daily Battles \\Thom Yorke w/ Flea"Lock your dreams away \\ and waking up \\ Enough about \\ your broken heart"A "melancholy, jazz-infused piano number by Thom" might sound sort of par for course, but... Thom's voice, damnit! Like a fine wine. And, this one features Flea on trumpet! Also, may be nominated for an Oscar... 

20\\It's In Your Bones\\Bibio

"When they tear the ceiling down \\ and they torch the beams and rafters \\ it's your bones that they will find"

Stephen Wilkinson eerily channels the essence of a long dead Irish ghost on this modern folk tune. It's hard to shake.

19\\So Good\\Bat for Lashes

"And I'm the only one to blame so \\ why does it hurt so good? \\ You don't treat me like you should" 

Natasha Kahn sings of masochism in an unhealthy relationship and creates one of her most infectious tunes yet. It's.... it's.... SO GOOD.

18\\Ura Dardanella\\Dark Morph

"Ura Dardanella" sounds like nature coming to life. Kind of scary, kind of beautiful. Not unlike the rest of Jónsi and Swedish composer and visual artist Carl Michael von Hausswolff's debut as Dark Morph.

17\\Freelance\\Toro y Moi

"I can't tell if I'm hip or getting old \\ I can't hear you \\ Maybe you could change your tone"

Graphic designer turned indie pop genius Chaz Bear sings about/mocks the integrity of an aging artist for hire in an increasingly fickle atmosphere. And it's funkay.

16\\Twist\\Thom Yorke

"The shingle washing my old bones \\ of woe betides and woe begones \\ with just enough love to go 'round"

From my first listen of Thom's juicy third solo album, Anima, this glitchy club goblin immediately stood out. Thom's falsetto, as shiny as ever, sings of being brought back to life to "twisted thorns that grow inside" and a world falling apart. Hard to tell if it's hope or despair, maybe a little of both.

15\\He\\Jai Paul

"Trying to make sense of it \\ it's up to you \\ I can't shake this feeling that I belong here"

JAI PAUL HAS RETURNED. That fact alone is enough to put this song on the map, but the fact that it's a brilliant Phil Collins-meets-Prince spice jam confirms the long held suspicions: Jai Paul is not a fluke and needs to put out a damn album (see Do You Love Her Now for further proof).


"Cry aloud \\ bold and proud \\ of where I've been \\ But here I am \\ where I end"

One of the greatest songs on TOOL's long awaited comeback album finds Maynard wondering allowed if they've still got what it takes. Spoiler alert: THEY DO.

13\\Movies\\Weyes Blood"The movies I watched when I was a kid \\ The hopes and dreams don't give credit to the real things""Epic" is a word that gets thrown around way too much, but... here we go. This beauty defies genre. Unless, of course, you consider Enya her own a genre. Which maybe we should, I guess.

12\\iMi\\Bon Iver

"If forgiveness is a chore \\ what you waiting for? \\ We been here before \\ and I can't ignore it anymore"

A bright new morning has been heralded by Justin Vernon with this opener to the most upbeat album of his career. A soulful, electro, country, pop rock collage. I guess?


"Her hair curls \\ in the damp of the night \\ The scent recalls \\ like a photograph with life"

The sweetness and serenity of this audio Polaroid is almost too much to handle. I don't know how the guy does it, but Bibio proves once again that he can kind of do whatever he wants and spin it into gold, including playing every instrument on the thing himself. More than anything I'm reminded just how poetic he can be in his lyrics. Such a lovely number.

TOP 10 

10\\DO YOU DOUBT ME TRAITOR\\Lingua Ignota

"When all this is ended \\ as cruel as I am \\ remember how I loved you \\ but that nothing, nothing can stand"

This one has a bit of recency bias, as I literally just heard it this week. But I had to rearrange my list as soon as I did. I can't remember the last time a song (or an album for that matter) put grief, trauma, and rage into sound so perfectly. It's an extremely harrowing experience, one that exists on every track of the Gothic opera that is Caligula, the sole purpose of which is to burn down the very existence of the one who scorned her. As a warning, this is not for everyone. You'll believe, or you'll run screaming. But you sure as hell won't forget it.

9\\i love you\\Billie Eilish

"and nothing has to change today \\ you didn't mean to say \\ "I love you" \\ I love you and I don't want to"

I didn't want to like Billie Eilish, even as I listened to her entire debut. As I did, I was surprised by how good she actually is, but it wasn't until this gut punch near the end that I let my guard down. I nearly broke into tears as I sat at my work desk and listened to this remarkably wise-beyond-years description of teenage love. And it's not the cookie-cutter fluff of most pop. It's the ache, the fear, the desperation. I can't help but wonder if young Billie herself even comprehends just how cognizant her words are. But she will one day.

8\\Open Desert\\Big Thief

"Crawling closer to your hand \\ to the poison image \\ Brave surrender \\ Kiss the water"

I can only guess as to the meaning, but there's a sense of witnessing abuse in "Open Desert," whether in someone else or looking from the outside in. Whatever the true meaning, it's powerful imagery, laid over a deceptively light melody. Adrianne Lenker's compositions have a tendency to be both delicate and devastating, and it doesn't get much more delicate and devastating than this.

7\\No One's Easy to Love\\Sharon Van Etten

"Don't look down, my dear \\ Don't be surprised \\ No one's easy to love \\ Don't look back, my dear \\ just say you tried"

I hadn't really listened to Sharon much before this year, but soon as I heard this one I was an immediate fan. Some of my favorite lyrics of the year. Exuding this much swagger and confidence in the face of an ex lover is definitely a feat worth celebrating. And then throwing it over such a relentless and grimey groove? Fuhgettaboutit. This one definitely needs to be turned up.


"No, I don't know why \\ I just push the feeling down \\ Baby, can you keep a secret?"

This is the kind of song that gets you crying on your prom date's shoulder. It's the opposite of Billie Eilish's "i love you," for better and worse. Not nearly as emotionally complex, but then again great love songs are often pretty simple. And this one has such an undeniable buildup, it's impossible not to get them feels when Harriette Pilbeam cries "I don't know why, I just push the feeling down." That's when the fireworks erupt, and suddenly it's the best prom ever.

5\\High Alice\\Jenny Hval

"We are high, Alice \\ We all want something better"

I started to notice a theme in the music I was drawn to this year: a lot of it seems to worship nature, even if subconsciously. Or maybe I'm just pulling those themes out subconsciously myself. But on "High Alice," Jenny Hval retells the psychedelic journey of Alice in Wonderland with a focus on the world, specifically the creatures, repeating "We all want something better." And just like the drug induced fairy tale, it's quite a surreal journey. Part of what I love about it is just how much it sounds like old school Enigma. Can't go wrong with early 90's New Age worldbeat, right? We are ALL high, Alice.

4\\Wild Time\\Weyes Blood

"Beauty, a machine that's broken \\ Running on a million people trying \\ Don't cry, it's a wild time to be alive"

Channeling Karen Carpenter and Joni Mitchell in all the right ways, Natalie Mering's painfully beautiful power ballad about trudging through the shit sounds pretty vital. "Let these changes make you more holy and true \\ Otherwise, it just made it complicated for nothing," she sings, and for a moment you almost forget this isn't actually another greatest hit from a one of those legends of the 70's. Remarkably fresh but powerfully old school, "Wild Time" is an instant classic that feels like it's been vital for 40 years.

3\\Kavura\\Dark Morph

Ever wonder what it feels like to slow time down and bask inside the eternity of a single second? This bit of atmospheric ambiance might help. For 6 minutes, anyway. There's not a whole lot to this piece, but the affect is mesmerizing, and the payoff certainly rewarding. You can almost see yourself walking around a frozen room undetected. And then suddenly, it's over and you wonder where that 6 minutes went. I feel like if someone wanted to sneak by me, they'd have a good six minutes to do so as long as this was playing. One of the most spectacular ambient tracks I've ever heard.

2\\Paralysed\\Nilüfer Yanya

"Strange dreams and weather \\ they have taught me a lesson \\ I hear strained screams from heaven \\ singin', 'Save me'"

Every one of Miss Yanya's spectacular strengths are showcased on this sharp highlight from her impeccable debut, Miss Universe. A perfect example of what Pitchfork once called her "brilliantly nonchalant guitar soul," it's a track that bounces and bobs with ease while she sings of the paralyzing agony of love. I absolutely adore that the ladies are shredding these guitars and showing the dudes how it's done these days. In a year that saw TOOL's resurrection, that is no easy feat and a huge compliment in my book. One of my favorite songs of the decade from the moment I heard it.


"We are born of One Breath \\ One Word \\ We are all One Spark \\ eyes full of wonder"

One morning, whilst driving to work, I turned this song up to 11 in my car. My commute is about the length of the track on a good day (which, for the record, is 11:54 — making it my longest #1 ever), so it was my sole soundtrack on this particular journey. Though my first reaction wasn't quite like these guys, I had been soaking up the song for a week or so, picking apart its intricacies. With songs like these, you pretty much need at least one dedicated listen for every instrument involved before it truly clicks. Like Fear Inoculum as a whole, there is a lot to digest. But that morning, it finally hit me. I heard "Pneuma" for the "first time."

Every note, each movement, the bizarre time signatures, Maynard's vocals and lyrics... it all came together into one "Aha!" moment. The kind of moment you crave with any good piece of music — when the world fades away and the rest of your senses join in with synesthetic glee. I almost forgot that I was driving to work as it's majesty enveloped me. I had uncovered another musical masterpiece from a band that has many under their belt. In an increasingly impatient world, the rewards of true patience are ever so vital and glorious.

The word "pneuma" comes from the ancient Greek meaning "breath," and within religion and philosophy has come to represent "the vital spirit, soul, or creative force" of a person. I've definitely found myself in spiritual flux as I reassess my position in this increasingly chaotic world the last few tumultuous years. In fact, I think it's safe to say society in general is at a "spiritual crossroads" of sorts. We definitely could use a little reawakening. So, what better way to close this turbulent decade than with a larger-than-life, New Agey metal reminder to "wake up, remember?" Behold: an unexpected anthem for our time, and my song of 2019.

Again... watch this when you get a chance. It is so pure, and good, and true.

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