Sunday, November 1, 2009

Kidchair Halloween Special



Megan said...

This really bothered Kyler! He loved the parts where you were jumping around at the beginning but when that kid slaps your hand away and refuses to give you candy.. then that face you make... HE STARTED CRYING! He said "why is Chris sad Mom?" I said "Cause that boy wouldn't give him any candy." he says "why not?! but it's Grandma's house! He should have given Chris some candy!" Then I told him it was just silly and pretend and we watched it again. The second time his face just melted, he scooted away from the screen and buried his face in his hands.... he didn't get it. I, however thought it was hilarious!

I am Chree-uz. said...

Oh no!!!
I didn't even think about how sad the ending is till I showed Mom and Daniel, both of which basically responded the same way (well...not quite as dramatic...but they thought it was sad). I guess I always get a kick out of making fun of myself... its good to know my loved ones care enough to protect me even from myself!

I have a plan to remedy the situation...I'll keep you informed...

grammanisey said... really did make me feel the same way! I just held it in! lol I even thought "wait that's my house! Everyone should be getting candy!" In fact, no matter how much candy I have to buy, I have to say "take 2 0r 3". Anyway, we'll be waiting for the alternate, hopefully happier, ending. :D I'm your mom